Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Chronicles of Riddick

(Mild Spoilers)

Here's the problem with THE CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK: by the end of PITCH BLACK, RIDDICK's titular character has reconnected with humanity.

TCR tells us that the guy was never human to begin with, thus negating the point of the first film. Additionally, for a guy who is supposed to be an antihero, Riddick does the right thing again and again and again. How do you root for the bastard when the bastard is, in fact, a cuddly teddy bear?

In TCR, Vin takes on a group called the Necromongers, who are basically the Borg without Alice Krige. Lots of stuff blows up, we learn that Vin is a master of gymkata, and the good guys, ultimately, win, sorta.

I liked PITCH BLACK and I was all set to like the sequel, but this just didn't do it for me. Bummer.

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