Saturday, June 21, 2008

Godzilla vs. The Smog Monster

I can't figure the Japanese. First, they're all freaked out about the proliferation of nuclear power plants and cook up Godzilla, the atomic fire-breathing monster. Then, they're all freaked out about air pollution (like the kind that comes from coal-burning power plants) and the cook up Hedorah, the pollution monster who must be brought down by - you guessed it - Godzilla. Subtextually, GODZILLA VS. HEDORAH seems to assert that nuclear power isn't so bad after all. In fact, it seems to argue that nuclear power will be the salvation of Japan's environment. Make up your mind, people!

On to the movie itself: GVH gives us guys in rubber suits fighting one another, a cute kid in danger, and plenty of groovy sixties-era music, ideology, and freakiness. GVH also serves up an interesting variation on the Godzilla storytelling formula: animated interstices between acts of the film, a la Terry Gilliam, moving things along and underlining important thematic elements. GVH is interesting and kinda fun.