Thursday, December 28, 2006

The Santa Clause

How can anyone dislike THE SANTA CLAUSE? It has a cheerful story, it's easy to follow for even the youngest viewers, and it has enough of a sense of fun to keep young and old hooked for its brisk running time.

In THE SANTA CLAUSE, Tim Allen plays, well, Tim Allen. This time, he's a divorced dad trying to do right by his son and not feel too threatened by his ex-wife's new husband. On Christmas Eve, Santa falls off Tim's roof and disappears, leaving only his suit behind. Time grabs the suit, stumbles into Santa's sleigh, and he's off and running as the new Santa Claus. Of course, there are all kinds of issues, including custody battles, as he adjusts to his new life, but everything's pretty mild, the kids stay hooked, and everyone goes home happy.

In short, THE SANTA CLAUSE is pablum. It's tasty pablum, however, and just thing to have in the background this Christmas season.

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