Thursday, December 28, 2006


I missed the chance to take my kids to see CARS in the theater - I was out of the country at the time. We caught up with it last week and, while it isn't the best movie Pixar has ever done (that honor goes to THE INCREDIBLES, which is one of the best movies ever), it's better than every other animated feature released this year.

The movie follows your basic 'hotshot from the city learns a thing or two while stuck in the country' format. It's reasonably funny and reasonably compelling, but it's technically astounding. From sunlight through dust to falling water to cars bouncing on old axles, CARS is a masterpiece of animation. It's simply beautiful to watch, and I take my hat off to all those at Pixar who helped make this happen.

So, I'm saying to rent CARS. You'll like it, your kids will love it, and you'll all be dazzled by it. Enjoy.

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