Friday, May 27, 2011

The Shining

There’s so much to love about The Shining that I don’t know where to begin.  This is the scariest ghost story ever put to film.  Its twin girls have become legendary.  “Here’s Johnny” brings Jack Nicholson, not Johnny Carson, to mind.  We remember Scatman Crothers not as a musician, but as a chef.

But there is one thing, one thing about which I hadn’t given much thought to prior to my last screening.  Musically, The Shining is extraordinary.  Yes, we all remember “Symphonie Fantastique” and the opening credits.  But think back to Jack and Danny in the bedroom, when Danny asks his father if he’d ever hurt him.  The music is another voice in the room, not just underlining the dialogue but mimicking, feeding off, building it into something more than two guys talking.  Or think about Wendy and the manuscript and the scampering strings like rats running up and down your spine.

So I wonder: is there a musical commentary track to The Shining out there somewhere?  I’d love to hear Gordon Stainforth, who edited preexisting music to replace the unsuccessful original score, walk me through his choices scene by scene, beat by beat.  His work is masterful, and I’d love to learn more about it.

Now that I think about it, I’m going to do a deep dive on The Shining.  I’m going to read what I can and watch whatever commentaries are out there and sink my teeth into this one.

It’s worth it, because The Shining isn’t just one of the best horror films ever made.  It’s the best, and it’s worth the effort.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love The Shining, is my favorite horror film of all times(granted, I like Psycho and Halloween, but The Shining scared, and still scares, the shit out of me; and it has and effect that no other movie had before, or has now, it frightens me not only while watching, but also leaves me with a feeling of insecurity and fear after it has ended)

Is a trully amazing movie... And one of the reasons why Kubrick is my favorite director---funny thing, is that I was 11 when I first watched The Shining, and it blew me away, I had no idea who was Kubrick; and the good thing is that I rewatched several times even recently and it still has the same effect. Is the kind of movie that one should better call film.