Monday, June 14, 2010


“Your problem,” says the pimp to the thug, “is that you’re soft.  You try to act tough, but people see right through you.”

Maybe that’s not a bad thing.

In REVANCHE, the thug loves the hooker.  The hooker works for the pimp, who is not soft.  The thug and the hooker plan to escape, but can they?  Is the thug tough?  Must he be?  And what of the aftermath?

This sounds like the premise for a thriller, but REVANCHE goes in a different direction.  Rather than twists, turns, and tension, REVANCHE offers us character.  It considers these people, cares about them, takes the time to tell their stories. 

Here’s a keen exploration of love, bravado, and unintended consequences.  By the time the credits roll, you’ll the know the people of REVANCHE not as The Thug and  The Hooker, but as Alex and Tamara.  You’ll think not only of the journeys they’ve taken, but of journeys still ahead.  And you’ll think about yourself, about your supposed weaknesses and your supposed strengths.  You’ll wonder if they are what you think, or if you’ve (perhaps) misjudged yourself.

REVANCHE is that kind of film: the kind that rewards thought.  In fact, the more I think about it, the more I like it.  Given time, it could become one of the best pictures I see this year.

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