Tuesday, June 02, 2009


My third grader has discovered my blog and, after struggling through my first paragraph about KUNG FU PANDA, he has asked me to write a review that he could understand. So, here's my first attempt at film discussion for the younger set.

BOLT is a story about a dog who is the hero of a tv show. BOLT doesn't know that he's only in a tv show, though. He thinks everything is real. He thinks his bark is so awesome that it can flip over cars. He thinks he can run through walls. And he thinks he can shoot laser beams out of his eyes. When he escapes from his trailer to save his human, he has to learn how to live in the real world and survive long enough to reunite with the young actress who loves him.

BOLT looks great, and its simple and clear style of animation reflects its simple and clear story. There are no singing animals in this one, no one-liners for mom and dad. It's just a story of a dog who wants to reunite with his human. And it works - it does everything it sets out to do, and does it brightly and loudly enough to hold the attention of kids from ages of two through, at least, nine. It's not the kind of movie that I'll remember for years, but it's not a movie for me - it's a movie for them, and it delivers.


Unknown said...

My Netflix dose not have bolt for some odd reason :(

Unknown said...

Which country are you in? Here in the U.S., it's available on disc. It is not, however, available on Instant.