Thursday, May 22, 2008

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

I had no intention of ever seeing this movie.

But one of my nephews had it and showed it to my 8-yr-old, who showed it to me.

Y'know what? I liked it.

Sure, the CGI overlays on some of the actors were wierd, Depp was wierd, and the whole thing was wierd. But I like wierd. I like Danny Elfman's music. I like Johnny Depp. I like any mainstream movie that shows some real originality, some creativity.

Did I believe in this film's worl? Not for a minute. Did I enjoy spending some time there? Sure, sure I did.

1 comment:

GSelser said...

I liked it too, but the kid in me is still attached to the original Gene Wilder version. I know it is very flawed, but it is a film that I loved as a child.
The new version at least trys to take a differetn take on the story, which I like because it shows that it is not trying to one up the original.