Monday, January 08, 2007

The Prestige

I had a hard time talking my friends into seeing THE PRESTIGE. "It's about two 19th Century Magicians who both study under the same master, Michael Caine. No, not wizards. Regular, performing magicians. What happens? I'm not sure. Something goes wrong with their act and, um, tension ensues."

The ones who did agree to go had a great time. THE PRESTIGE is the kind of movie that's so complex, that requires so much engagement, it almost feels like work. We, as the audience, are looking for the trick, trying to figure out how it's done. The movie dares us to do this, then challenges our belief in our desire to figure things out, then gives us an answer while holding something else back. Most films play on our emotions: THE PRESTIGE plays on our intellects, inviting us to spend two hours puzzling it through.

This makes for a thoroughly engrossing night at the movies, and it's great fodder for later conversation as people assay their interpretations of the film. In fact, THE PRESTIGE may be more fun after the fact than during the viewing, and the viewing is engrossing.

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